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Sonic artist and electronic "Cacharrero". His work is widely influenced by the study of Human / Non-human interactions. Musician and Sound Engineer, his artistic practice constantly digs deep around the "instrument", the "tool" which mediates between the sound and the performer. As a result of this activity, depending on how the "instrument" is being questioned, the artist's practice settle down on one the next two proper exploring fields.

The first of them uses a Luthery approach, and therefore it inquires about the interface's physiology and architecture. A direct influence on this field is the intensive appliance of open source tools such as Pure Data, specially when they turn out to operate into creative environments applying DIY or DIWO strategies.
The artist as Luthier and his political action of questioning the conventional interaction of the performer with his instrument as a starting point on the musical creation process.

The second field explores the dynamics that emerge from the "user's" constant reflection on how is a determined instrument, tool or technology modulating social behaviors in his community. The artist's personal interests have driven the research towards the tracking of transdisciplinar collaborative exercises where the human/non human interactions have revealed interesting proceedings by having the sound as a crucial element.

Recent activity:
gaoth (2019) Collaborative sound ecosystem for human and non-human agencies Listening Week Bogotá, Colombia.
Strata (2019) Field recordings release that explores the concept of forestal stratification.
Beca de Arte Sonoro 2017 Configimus Te: interactive sound walk inspired on a chronicle from 1698 by Pedro Ibañez about a good thief.

Kulturtechnik// Luthery // “Cacharreo” // Ecosystem // Open Source // Hacking
~BIO ++
José Manuel Páez Moncaleano