Sonic exploration of the Sonus Syllabarium archive. Because the bells are sounding objects often associated with timing regulations and social or clerical actions.
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Campanners is sonic drift inside the vast universe that born and dies in a single bell's peal. The piece was chosen to be part of the Sonus Syllabarium Vol. 1 and it's and homage to the colosal labour of preservation carried on by the valencian bell-ringers
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Live sets


Improvisation for Charango and Circuitry that took place on the third day of the 'Round Buttons Squared Tones' festival. Exhibited in Paragon Studios, the week festival was curated by the artist Barry Cullen and Una Lee.
Hura^Khan is then my contribution to the festival: Andean airs, dismantled computer, granular synthesis and archive recordings.
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Lo que callan las campanas es un viaje que inicia con el fenómeno acústico del repique de campana que choca en su camino con un lumbalú: Ritual fúnebre llevado a cabo por el pueblo palenquero para despedir a sus muertos.
Inspired on the mongolian throatsinging technique, the album presents four different scenarios in which a subtle landscape of residual interferences inhabit an slowly evolving drone tone. KnѺb chants was entirely made with a single VCS3
KNѺB chants

Strata explores the concept of forestal stratification. So for the same habitat you will listen three different sound perspectives. One from the top of the trees perspective, one from the mid trees level and one from the bottom ground of the forest.

All the field recordings were taken on small trip to Villavicencio, Colombia, South America.